April 2023Campus

Etiquette dinner prepares future professionals

A commonly shared fear among college students is how they will fare in their new careers. 

The ability to perform your duties with confidence is a daunting task, especially in careers that require a special touch of etiquette. Privy to the fears of students, Carroll College ensures their students can learn the finer points of social interaction, especially in important settings such as formal dinners. 

To assist students, Carroll graciously invited students of every career to attend a formal Etiquette Dinner on Wednesday, March 29, an event designed to give students tips on formal dining. 

The dinner had a great turnout, and students from every financial major made an appearance. Many of them left with a better grasp on social dining than when they arrived. 

One of the focuses of the event was how to attend a formal dinner with prospective employers. Students were taught proper etiquette for fine dining, as well as conversational skills needed to interact with dinner guests. 

Students had different ideas of what they were expecting to gain from the etiquette dinner. 

“I was just expecting to see what job interviews are like from the perspective of the employer, and the experiences the hosts have had during their lives because they have been in the same position as us seniors are now at,” said Javier Rodriguez, a business and philosophy major.

Knowing how to read your interviewer is an important part of the hiring process. 

Many of the students in attendance were business-oriented majors, who pointed out how crucial it was to be able to interact with potential clients. 

Kyle Olson, an accounting and financial planning major, stated the importance of how someone in her field must be able to recognize the correct form of communication with a prospective patron. 

“[The dinner] was helpful because there will be a lot of interactions with clients,” said Olson. “It helps us learn how to act.”

The event was spearheaded by Career Center director Laurie Rodriguez. 

“The importance of networking [is] how to make a great first impression as well as how to properly navigate a formal business dinner,” said Rodriguez.

Carroll College goes above and beyond to ensure its students are prepared for their future. For anyone interested in attending another dinner in the future, rest assured the Career Services are meeting to plan for the next dinner in the coming weeks. 

These events are greatly treasured, and the impact they have on the Carroll community is immeasurable. 

As a send-off to Carroll College’s business graduates, Laurie Rodriguez said, “It’s been an honor and a privilege to get to know many of you over the past few years. Wishing you the best of luck! Please remember, Career Services is happy to serve you now and in the future with any career-related needs.”

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