CampusFeaturesSeptember 2023

Study abroad spotlights: Emme Hahn & Kylie Munsinger

Not all classes are held in Simperman or St. Charles or O’Connell.

Some are thousands of miles away!

Two adventurous Carroll students have chosen to study abroad in Ireland and England this year.

“I’ve always been curious about what it’s like in another country,” said Emme Hahn, a senior health science major from Bozeman, currently studying in Ireland. “There’s only so much you can learn from books and videos – the best way to learn about a new culture is to go there if possible.” 

Hahn is taking “challenging and exciting” literature and archaeology courses at the University of Galway. 

“I’m not a really social person, so meeting people is a bit scary,” Hahn said. “It’s one of those things that I need to push past and go out to new places.” 

Hahn is pushing herself to explore new places and meet new people. 

To help herself socialize with the locals, Hahn has learned to frequent local pubs. 

“You can go there without knowing people and just hang out,” Hahn said. “The people in Galway are very friendly and outgoing.” 

Kylie Munsinger found her way to England. Munsinger, a sophomore health science major from Kalispell, is studying at the University of Exeter.

I chose Exeter for its connection with Carroll and its renowned sports science program,” Munsinger said. “This opportunity offers a chance to explore the world while studying.” 

But it’s not all about books and libraries.

“I hope to gain a deeper understanding of the cultures of other countries, gain new friendships, and make lifelong memories,” Munsinger said. 

Hahn explained that in intersections in Galway, locals simply wait for the traffic to slow down, then cross the road. Hahn describes this difference from what she has experienced with intersections in Bozeman and Helena as “uncanny.” 

As for Munsinger, she would like fans of Harry Potter to know that J.K. Rowling attended the University of Exeter, where Munsinger is now studying. Locations within the city of Exeter were inspirations for many of the locations in the Harry Potter book series, including Diagon Alley.

The travelers say their experiences wouldn’t have been possible without the expert advice they received from Shannon Ackeret, the director of global education at Carroll.

The skills these students acquire are immeasurable,” Ackeret said. “The ability to navigate a different culture can be uncomfortable, but to do so with curiosity, grace, and without judgment is a gift that will last a lifetime. They also gain more confidence, awareness, and the ability to think more broadly.”

Ackeret speaks from her experience advising over 1000 Carroll students studying abroad, and she describes her work as “a privilege.” 

Ackeret encourages all students with an interest in studying abroad to visit the VIA app on their OKTA page or to make an appointment with Ackeret through the Handshake app. 

The Global Learning office in Borromeo Hall 115 welcomes all interested students.

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