FeaturesMarch 2023

Study abroad profile: Amber Jones in Galway, Ireland

The opportunity to immerse oneself in a foreign culture affords not only the fortune of self-discovery and development but also an occasion to enjoy the beauty of a new land. Amber Jones is a senior biology major from Garfield, Washington. Last fall, Jones spent the semester in Galway, Ireland, at the University of Galway.

“I was interested in traveling to Ireland because of the picturesque landscape of the country,” said Jones. “I was also eager to expand my horizons by meeting people of different backgrounds.”

Jones had never visited Europe before – she was excited to start her adventure in a new place. She was confident she would adjust quickly to the environment because she knew other folks from Carroll who would also be studying abroad in Galway. 

 “In a way, I felt right at home,” said Jones. “Similar to Carroll, most of my classes consisted of about 15-20 students. My classmates were from all over Europe; my experience was a true cultural immersion.” 

Jones also enjoyed how the University of Galway differed from Carroll.

 “It was refreshing to encounter such vibrant student involvement in a large variety of clubs and events,” said Jones. 

Jones engaged in the school volleyball mountaineering societies. 

While in Europe, Jones enjoyed traveling to other countries on the weekends. 

“I traveled a lot because I knew a lot of people from Carroll who were also living abroad,” said Jones. 

Breanna Cook (’22) and Sofie Borzadek, a senior biology major from Pocatello, Idaho, are friends she visited while abroad. 

“I had fun seeing Bre in France, hanging out with Sofie Borzadek in Spain, and exploring other countries such as England, Austria, and Hungary,” said Jones. 

“One of my favorite memories is hiking in the Swiss Alps and riding on an alpine coaster through the gorgeous mountains,” said Jones. 

For anyone interested in visiting Ireland, Jones recommends sampling Guinness stew and enjoying live, traditional Irish pipe and flute music at a local pub.   

Jones’ time in Ireland only marks the beginning of her global exploits. 

“Studying abroad has only made me want to travel more,” said Jones. “ I applied for the Peace Corps with hopes of expanding my travels while doing meaningful work.”

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