April 2024CampusFeaturesPhotographer spotlight

Photographer spotlight – Zack Gacnik

What is your year and major?

I’m a junior and I’m majoring in computer science.

What got you into photography?

My dad used to be a big photographer, so he always inspired me to pursue it. One of my high school friends got really into photography a few years ago, and after spending time hanging out with him I eventually bought a camera too.

What is your favorite type of photography?

Wildlife photography.

What has improved most since you’ve started?

Definitely how to use my camera in general. I’m always learning new things and better ways to capture images.

What is your artistic process?

My whole process starts with a lot of research. I’ll look back into online records dating back as far as the 1970s to figure out where wildlife tends to be at certain times of the year to help increase my chances of getting a perfect photo. After that, it’s a matter of finding the wildlife, which always proves to be the toughest part. Once I’m able to capture images, I use Adobe Lightroom to edit and enhance the photos.

What plans or goals do you have with your photography?

I don’t really have any specific plans or goals, I’m mainly just focused on finding as much wildlife as possible to take photos of!

What’s your favorite place that you have been able to shoot?

I really like shooting in Yellowstone, Glacier, and the Tetons. I have some other favorite spots to shoot at close to Helena, but those are kept secret.


Thanks to Zack for letting us take a moment to look a little into his photography world!

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