CampusDecember 2023FeaturesPhotographer spotlight

Bella Chalmers: Photography Spotlight

Year: Junior
Major: Psychology

What got you into photography?
“I joined the yearbook team at my high school. I took most of the photos for athletics and some other fun things around school. I haven’t stopped taking photos since then.” 

What subjects do you photograph the most?
“My favorite subject to photograph is actually sports. While I have not had an opportunity to photograph for sports here at Carroll, it is something that I still occasionally get to photograph when I go back home. I also just photograph moments in people’s lives, whether that be with my nice camera or just my phone. Most of my friends know that I am most likely taking photos everywhere I go.”

Where do you get your inspiration?
“I got super interested in photography after my dad told me on the way to school one morning that it was something he regretted giving up on. He inspired me to pick up the family camera and start capturing moments in people’s lives that they could keep forever.”

What has improved most since you started?
“I think the thing I have most improved on is being able to adjust the settings of a camera because when I first started, I thought that it was as simple as clicking a button. Now I know that you need to be able to properly adjust your settings to get the right shots in different environments.” 

What plans or goals do you have with your photography?
“My goals are to just continue to have fun with what I am doing. I want to be able to put myself out there and possibly build up some clients within my remaining time here at Carroll. It would also be a cool opportunity to start taking photos for the athletic departments here on campus.”

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