The campus dialogue exploring the relationship between the Catholic Church and the LGBTQ+ community continues next Thursday evening, October 6, at 6:30 p.m. in the Lower Cube. The featured guest, via Zoom, will be Father James Martin, S.J., the author of “Building a Bridge: How the Catholic Church and the LGBT Community Can Enter into a Relationship of Respect, Compassion, and Sensitivity.”

Carroll alum Patrick Manning ‘09, is flying in from his East Coast broadcasting job with CNBC to introduce Father Martin, and moderate the discussion. Manning currently works as the sole senior field producer covering the White House and Biden administration for CNBC.

“It’s a wonderful to be back at Carroll. I love this college,” said Manning. “It taught me about faith, service, hard work, and loving other people. I am excited to have an opportunity to participate in a conversation with Fr. Jim Martin, SJ.”

While at Carroll, Manning served as student body president and a delegate to the board of trustees. He was also active in campus ministry and says he has fond memories of how it prepared him for his post-graduation role as a member of the Jesuit Volunteer Corps.

Manning is devoted to building Father Martin’s bridge everywhere, including at Carroll.

“Father Martin is truly a pioneer in connecting the Catholic Church with the LGBTQ+ community,” said Manning. “I came out more than a decade ago. It was a couple of years after graduating from Carroll. My college friends, professors, and administrators showed love and support. I hope and pray this conversation is productive for the current, former, and future Carroll students.”

Manning met Father Martin when he interviewed him for a story.

“Father Martin has been a huge advocate for my LBGTQ+ ministry at Church of St. Paul the Apostle here in Manhattan,” said Manning.

The evening will begin with questions and answers  with Father Martin who will accept questions from the Carroll audience in-person and via Zoom. He will also answer questions submitted in advance using a special Google Forms link. Submit questions here.

Carroll’s  LGBTQ+ Subcommittee of the DEI Taskforce has assembled background material for the event. The materials include reviews and summaries of Martin’s book, information about Martin and Pope Francis, and readings about LGBTQ+ issues and the Catholic Church. There is also a link to an interview with Father Martin, and a link to Patrick Manning’s 15-minute video, “Owning our Faith.”

The Moodle page can be accessed here.

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