FeaturesJanuary/February 2024Photographer spotlight

Photographer spotlight: Braden Sewell

It is said that memories last forever. 

Memories may last even longer when captured in a photograph. 

That’s why Braden Sewell decided to dive into the beautiful art of photography.

Norman Vincent Peale once said, “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss you’ll land among the stars.”

“I can apply that to my photography because I started out by taking photos of the moon and now with more experience, I can take photos of the stars,” said Sewell. 

Sewell is a first year business major specializing in accounting and strategic finance from Milton, Florida. Along with being a Carroll Saint, Sewell also has a passion for photography. 

Sewell’s journey with photography began in 2018 and has since grown. 

“I started photography when I moved to Florida and started taking pictures of Blackwater Bay from my backyard,” said Sewell. 

Sewell noted that Blackwater Bay is a recessed, brackish coastal body of water in Santa Rosa County with white beaches and large sandbars that are a sharp contrast to the dark tannic water that gives the river its name.

Today, Sewell focuses on photographing sunsets, skies, the moon, and anything else that catches his eye.

Memories still inspire Sewell.

“I’m inspired by the memory attached to every picture,” said Sewell. “Looking back on the ones I take transports me right back to when and where I took it and that makes me pretty happy.”

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