December 2022Opinion

Corinne’s Christmas Special

If you’re like me and started celebrating the holiday season at 12:01 a.m. on Nov. 1, then you understand how crucial it is to maximize the mere two months we have to bask in your yuletide joy. 

Watching movies is an integral part of prepping for the holidays. Not only do they serve as a source of nostalgia as we rewatch all of our old favorites, but they provide a level of comfort as we take a break from our own world and are transported somewhere else, even if just for the span of ninety minutes. 

Now that it gets dark by late afternoon and it’s too cold to do anything outside, it’s quite frankly the only practical way to spend your December evenings.

That’s why I’ve compiled the gift that keeps on giving: a list of the best holiday movies, so you too can enjoy the holiday season from the comfort of your couch.

Love Actually 

I’m starting off this list strong with the best holiday movie ever. This movie masterfully intertwines the stories of over eight couples and how they deal with love and loss. Not only does it hit all of your emotions, but literally everyone is in this movie: Alan Rickman (Severus Snape), Thomas Brody-Sangster (Ferb and that one guy from the Maze Runner), and Keira Knightley, just to name a few.

The Holiday

The soundtrack to this movie is constantly playing in my airpods when I walk between classes (I am slightly embarrassed to mention the theme from this movie might be at the top of my Spotify wrapped). Beyond the music, the plot follows the lives of two very different women as they “switch lives” just in time for the holiday season. Not only is it endearing, but Iris’ home in the UK also fulfills all of my cottagecore fantasies.

Home Alone

This movie is a classic and definitely something to watch if you need a laugh. My parents never left me at home as a kid, but this movie kind of had me wishing they would (like just for an hour though, because I was not as resourceful as Kevin). On a serious note, the montage where the burglars break in and fall for everyone one of Kevin’s traps had me contemplating how an eight year old invented a whole Rube Goldberg machine?


I love Will Ferrell, and this movie is one of his best, after Talladega Nights, of course, but that’s not a Christmas movie, so I digress. Buddy’s naivety as he navigates the city of New York is honestly kind of endearing. I love that scene where he piles candy and syrup onto his Spaghetti and have always had a morbid curiosity as to what that tasted like (will report back if I finally try it). Plus, Zooey Deschanel, from New Girl, is also in Elf, so what’s not to enjoy?

Die Hard 

Alright, is this a Christmas movie? My Dad and I watch this movie every holiday season, so I vote yes! This movie may be the opposite of calming, but it’s well worth the watch and another Alan Rickman classic! Not only does the action in this movie keep you guessing as to whether John McLean will be able to save his wife, but there are also some iconic one-liners.


While the classics are great, new releases are a fun way to add some originality to the watchlist. This Apple TV original, puts a modern twist on Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, following the haunting of Clint Briggs, a man determined to avoid changing at all costs. Cast members include Octavia Spencer, Will Ferrell, and Ryan Reynolds, so an automatic win in my book. Bonus points: it’s also a musical.

A Christmas Story Christmas

Full disclosure: I have never loved the original A Christmas Story the mall Santa really did freak me out as a kid. Suffice to say, I was a bit apprehensive to watch the new HBO sequel. I was, however, pleasantly surprised by the genuine themes present in the movie and the fact that it didn’t have the Hallmark feel where everything was perfectly resolved. Rather, it’s about a family that comes together in a time of loss and discovers that the holidays don’t need to be perfect, just spent together. This touching movie should definitely make its way onto your watchlist if you’re looking for something to pull at your heart strings (and make you laugh). 

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