ColumnOctober 2024

Surviving Exams

Exams don’t have to feel like the end of the world. With a few simple strategies, you can breeze through them and come out feeling successful. Here are some tips for surviving exams while staying positive and keeping it together.

Forget marathon study sessions that go late into the night. Consistent studying over time beats cramming any day. Trust me, a solid night’s sleep before an exam is far more valuable than staying up to review everything last minute.

Use your resources and find what works for you when it comes to studying. Whether it’s hands-on help during office hours or going over concepts with your peers, find the most efficient and helpful way of studying for you. Pro-tip for memorizing concepts: use a whiteboard to map out key topics – it’s an easy way to organize your thoughts.

Drinking water and eating proper meals can make a huge difference in how you feel. It’s easy to forget the basics when you’re stressed. Reward yourself with a favorite snack or a special drink. My go-to is an Americano, and you’ll usually find me with a half-eaten croissant in hand. Remember, taking breaks to hang out with friends or go for a walk can help keep your stress levels in check.

Set up a study schedule and stick to it. Block out distractions (yes, that means putting your phone on DND). Finding your ideal study spot is key too – whether it’s the library, a quiet coffee shop, or your own room, make sure it’s a place where you can actually focus.

Most importantly, remember to breathe. Stay positive, take care of yourself, and those

exams will be over before you know it.

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