FeaturesOctober 2023Photographer spotlight

Photographer Spotlight: McKenna Kindel

What got you into photography?

“During my junior year of college, I took some photography and marketing courses, which sparked my interest. From there, I really got into graduation photography and sports photography.  During my senior year of college, I applied to Carroll and was so blessed to have gotten the opportunity to be the digital marketing specialist, which (increased) my fascination for photography.”

What subjects do you photograph?

“Anything Carroll-event related! I also really enjoy graduate and family photography.”

Where do you get your inspiration?

“A lot of my inspiration comes from other schools, photographers, Pinterest, and my student workers. In the office, we spend a lot of time brainstorming how we want each image to look.” 

What has improved most since you started?

“I would say my eye for seeing the image before taking it, and also my editing skills.” 

What plans or goals do you have with your photography?

“I hope to continue showcasing the Carroll life and community through my photos and social posts. I am so grateful to work for this college and to be a part of the Carroll community, and I would love to continue my work here.”

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