November 2024

Thanksgiving prayer: Thank you, God, for the food and help on my finals

Now that Thanksgiving is behind us, it’s time to refocus and gear up for the final stretch of the semester. Whether you spent the break catching up on sleep, enjoying family time, or simply unwinding, you’ve likely had a chance to reset. That pause is exactly what you need to tackle the next few weeks with energy and perspective.

As you head back into study mode, remember to keep balance in mind. It’s easy to get overwhelmed with looming deadlines and final exams, but the rest you got over break should remind you of the importance of self-care. 

Prioritize sleep, take breaks when you can, and stay active to keep your mind and body fresh. 

The last few weeks of the semester are about more than just completing assignments – they’re a chance to reflect on your growth and accomplishments. Take a moment to appreciate how far you’ve come, and be proud of yourself. 

You aced that tough test and stuck with that challenging project. 

Carry that confidence with you as you set your goals.

See you at the finish line Saints.

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