Welcome back to another semester here at Carroll College! Endless opportunities are waiting.
When I think about new opportunities, my mind goes to the spring semester – or simply to the spring season itself. An opportunity is a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something.
Now close your eyes and try to visualize this opportunity.
I don’t know about you, what my mind sees when I think of spring is new life, flowers blooming, and everything turning to its healthiest self.
But alas, when I open my eyes – and step outside – I am reminded that we are not there yet.
Even though we have successfully survived the 10 darkest weeks of the year, winter is not over. But that does not mean opportunities are not still waiting for us.
Here on campus, the snow-filled ground allows many to get out and play through recreational activities. For those who do not want to endure the cold, winter provides a good time for self-reflection.
However, despite my claim that winter still provides opportunities, I still will be longing for spring to come. When I walk outside in the cold, I remind myself that soon spring will be here.
The sun basking on my skin, birds chirping with life again, and that amazing smell of dew that forms when the grass is wet.