CampusDecember 2022Opinion

December 2022 Jibber Jabber

What is your favorite holiday tradition or memory?

“My favorite memory, as a child, was my dad reading me Christmas books every night leading up to Christmas.”
Zoe Hagan, freshmen biochemistry major, from Seattle

“Opening one gift on Christmas Eve is always my favorite.”
Joe Taylor, senior business management and marketing major, from Meridian, Idaho

“My family’s favorite holiday is the Fourth of July. My favorite tradition is the water balloon fight that my family has with the neighbors and the fireworks show later that night.”
Johnny Goodman, junior secondary math education major, from Newport, Washington

“During Christmas time all my grandparents and siblings that live out of state or out of town spend Christmas together in my parents’ house.”
Ashley Rose, junior sociology major, from Spokane

 “Decorating the tree is super cool because my family makes different ornaments out of different stuff every year. One year we made them outta gingerbread. I don’t know how but we did.”
Grace Stiles, freshman biology major, from Oroville, Washington

“My favorite holiday tradition is on Christmas Eve. My family and I get into pajamas and we watch Christmas movies”
Isaac Goudy, sophomore sociology and psychology major, from Billings 

“When I was five years old we had our entire family over. My cousins and I spent three or four hours playing ping pong together.”
Tyler Andros, freshman management and marketing major, from Napa, California

“Watching ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’ on Christmas Eve every year with my family.”
Gannon Roeper, freshman communications major, from Emmett, Idaho

“I really enjoy making gingerbread cookies with my family over Christmas. It’s my favorite tradition because I make the ones I eat so I load them up with way too much frosting.”
Michael Needham, sophomore political science major, from Katy, Texas

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