CampusFeaturesSeptember 2024

Carroll honored with NAIA Character Award

The National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) awarded the very first School of Character Award. Who would be more deserving to receive this first-time-ever award than your very own Fighting Saints?

This honor is awarded to an institution that embodies a remarkable commitment to character development among its student-athletes. This is all while embracing the five core values of the NAIA Champions of Character program: integrity, respect, responsibility, sportsmanship, and servant leadership.

Character is crucial to the moral development of humanity.

Carroll College has always taken character development seriously as symbolized in its motto “non scholae, sed vitae” or “not for school but for life.”

“Carroll embraces a rich tradition of preparing students for a lifetime of character-driven growth and community service,” proclaimed the NAIA.

Every athletic team contributed to the acquiring of this award. Carroll’s Student-Athlete Association is a good example of the teams coming together in the spirit of character development, and servant leadership. This program has created the first-ever on-campus food pantry where students, staff, and faculty are all welcomed and encouraged to take items at no cost. Teams at Carroll also work amongst themselves to apply the meaning of this award.

The Fighting Saints football team participates in and leads the “Coaching Boys into Men” program. Here, they are taught healthy relationship skills, mental health practices, and violence prevention methods.

The Women’s Basketball Team not only coaches a Special Olympics team, but they also contribute to a work program for a Special Olympics participant, where they develop career skills as well as become members of the team.

“Being involved in helping coach these athletes has been one of the greatest joys within this last year,” says sophomore and local Helena resident, Alex Bullock, who is receiving a degree in psychology. “Their smiles and love for the game are extremely contagious, and there’s not a practice I don’t leave without a great memory. Our team helps coach them once a week on Wednesday nights, along with helping with the open ceremony and getting to show up to some of their games!”

The women’s soccer team has created partnerships with local nonprofits in Helena. They are able to provide sanitary products to individuals in need while also initiating an on-campus service that provides supplies in restrooms across campus.

To properly celebrate this award, a pep assembly was held on Tuesday, Sept. 17. The walk to the stands was lined with the new Dance team rallying, making all student-athletes feel connected, as the school band played the school song and the cheer team rallied in the gymnasium. The stands were packed with members of campus, as they anticipated the news that brought them together. To kick off the pep assembly, the Choir sang the national anthem.

Many community members attended the assembly and gave speeches including the Montana Governor, Greg Gianforte, and Helena Mayor, Wilmot Collins. To say these people were proud is an understatement.

“This award is a testament to our mission at Carroll College,” said President John Cech. “It reflects our commitment to providing a Catholic liberal arts education that integrates faith, reason, and service, while preparing students for lives of purpose and impact. Our goal is to nurture a community of individuals who lead with integrity and a dedication to serving others, especially the most vulnerable.”

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