Thanks for reading the 2024 graduation issue of “The Prospector.”
This graduation edition, produced by the “Writing for the Media” journalism class, has three parts.
I. The main paper, focusing on graduation and campus news.
II. Senior profiles. Portraits of graduates who look back on their Carroll journey and look forward to the next chapter of their lives – the long-awaited future where they receive checks, instead of writing checks… i.e. an experiment in “adulting.”
The seniors profiled:
Elissa Mazkour, Jordan Bryant, Caleb Hoxie,
Carson Ochoa, Ariana Collins, Kelsyn Lohr,
Gui Pedra, David Luhmann, Tanner Ahmann and Anzhela Stoliar.
III. Columns on kindness. Carroll students look back on their lives, searching for moments of kindness which had a big impact on their lives. John Downs, a beloved Carroll professor who died too young, would love these stories because they support his life philosophy that quiet acts of kindness can lift spirts and save lives.
The students have worked hard on this issue. The profiles and columns have gone through 5-6-7 drafts, and lots of hours of interviewing and research. The last step is to find readers. You!
Quick links to the columns and profiles included on the main page, for easy access.
Thank you.
Brent Northup
Prospector adviser
Professor of Communication
(406) 459-2371 (cell 24/7)