
Grateful Saints celebrate a remarkable life

On Saturday, March 1, Carroll College hosted a memorial service for a man who has left a lasting legacy and impact on the community and lives of everyone. 

Roy Simperman was held very dearly in the hearts and minds of Carroll College. To show their respect and appreciation, the college hosted a Memorial Service that included a viewing, and Mass in the All Saints Chapel. That was followed by a reception in the Corette Library & Simperman Learning Commons. 

At 9 a.m. Saturday, the viewing opened. Community members of Carroll, students, and friends and family of Simperman came into the chapel to talk and share stories of Simperman and paid their respects. There was a guest book to sign for everyone to show support for the family and honor Simperman. 

The beauty of the chapel complemented the beautiful Mass. As guests entered the chapel doors they were handed programs for what was to come during the Mass as well as a beautiful painting of the Simperman building. 

This was a traditional Catholic funeral. The casket was blessed with holy water and then the Pall was laid over it. Following this, there were beautiful songs sung and scriptures read by Bishop Austin Anthony Vetter, who celebrated the Mass. Vetter described the relationship he had with Simperman. He did not personally know him and had only communicated over the phone a few times, but he did not even hesitate about leading the service because Simperman had such an impact on him. 

“This church is jam-packed full with angels and saints, all around us, welcoming Roy as he’s purified as he enters into eternal life,” said Vetter

Communion followed. Then Roy Simperman Jr., delivered a beautiful and heartfelt eulogy. Simperman Jr. felt the best way to describe his late father was through a recent honorable act he had done. A Carroll college student reached out to Simperman asking for help paying for her last three semesters of college, as she was unable to do so despite working all four years. Simperman had decided to look into it to see what he could do, but ended up having to stop because of some medical conditions. Some time passed and it turned out, that even though he was going through pain and recovery, he still managed to find it within himself to help this girl. This is just one honorable and selfless act that Simperman did in his lifetime.

“The reason I tell this story is it can probably be the entire eulogy by itself because it represents who Dad was and what he did,” said Simperman Jr. “He did this for people all the time and normally for people who he never knew and never met and it happened over and over and that’s just who he was and the man we got to live with.”

The Mass was a beautiful service. One Carroll college student who attended was first year Nikki Nau from Sunburst, Montana. 

“The funeral was a wonderful tribute to a man who has done so much for Carroll College and the Helena community,” said Nau, who is majoring in Biology. “Every aspect of the Mass was thoughtfully done, and it was wonderful to see how everyone came together to honor Mr. Simperman.” 

Following the Mass at 11 a.m., a reception was held. Here, everyone came together to take photos in front of the Corette Library & Simperman Learning Commons. Many showed their respect to the family of Simperman and shared their fond stories and appreciation of him. 

It is evident that a kind soul was lost, however, his memory and legacy will never be forgotten. There will be a remembrance article to showcase Simperman’s ever-lasting effect and the life he had in the next upcoming issue. 

“Roy Simperman’s legacy is one of transformational generosity and intergenerational impact, rooted in his quiet yet unwavering belief that ‘we make a life by what we give,’ said President John Cech.

“Across his 67-year partnership with Carroll College – beginning as a student in 1958 and continuing through his final days – Roy’s philanthropy was about more than just financial support. Alongside his first wife, Diane Corette Simperman, he established scholarships and academic programs that opened doors for students facing financial barriers, ensuring access to education regardless of circumstance. After Diane’s passing, Roy and his wife Frances deepened this commitment through initiatives like the Angel Fund, which provided emergency grants to 42 students at risk of withdrawing due to unforeseen hardships, and the Corette Scholarship, which empowered 332+ scholars in STEM fields to pursue careers in science, engineering, and healthcare.

“Yet Roy’s most visible legacy is the Simperman Learning Commons – a state-of-the-art academic hub that stands as a physical embodiment of his vision.”

Behind the gifts, was a man who loved Carroll – and continually reached out to help students who might not otherwise have been able to afford to attend Carroll.

“Roy’s life teaches us that true generosity is strategic, sustained, and rooted in compassion. His giving was never transactional; it was a lifelong partnership with Carroll, evolving alongside the college’s needs,” said Cech.

“Janet Riis, Director of Financial Aid, often recalls, Roy would ask: Did I give enough to make a difference?

“He answered that question resoundingly through every scholarship awarded, every lab modernized, and every student who now thrives within the Commons’ light-filled space. His legacy lives not only in brick and mortar but in the lives forever changed by his belief in Carroll’s mission.”



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