
Column: Post Grad Life

The real world is fast approaching, and I have to admit, it’s a little scary. For seniors, we have just under three months left with our peers and professors in a place where we feel comfortable. 

Then, we graduate and transition into the next phase of our 20s, whether that’s grad school, med school, or entering the workforce. 

The thing is, no one tells us how to prepare for this next chapter of life. 

All we hear is how amazing our 20s are supposed to be—the best time of our life—but honestly, I disagree. It’s filled with uncertainty and discomfort, but the upside is that there’s so much opportunity, and so much world to explore.

Let me offer some unprofessional advice about post-grad life and the days leading up to it. This is just a mix of advice I’ve received over the past few years that’s helped me feel slightly more prepared.

  1. We need to network. I know everyone says that, but it’s true. It pushes us out of our comfort zone, and that’s where growth happens. Absorbing any kind of information and learning from someone’s experiences can open doors for us in ways we might not expect.
  2. We don’t need to have everything figured out. We shouldn’s compare ourselves to others—because guess what? Nobody has it all figured out.

III. Write down our goals and make a list of companies we want to work for. Manifest our dream job and pursue it with intention. Life’s too short to settle for a job we don’t enjoy. That said, our first few years might not be perfect, but they will be formative and incredibly important for our personal and professional growth.

  1. Get on LinkedIn and fine-tune our resume. Make sure we have a solid headshot, highlight all our relevant experiences, and market ourselves effectively. Start connecting with alumni and anyone who can help expand our network. Keep an eye on job postings and follow potential employers to stay in the loop.
  2. This may seem to contradict number three but don’t immediately discount an opportunity just because it isn’t exactly what we envisioned. Sometimes, the path to our dream job isn’t a straight line. Our first few years might not be perfect, but they will be formative and incredibly important for our personal and professional growth.

These are just a few things I’ve learned as I prepare for post-grad life. As someone who is still unsure and a little scared about what’s ahead, I want to remind all of us that we are capable of handling whatever comes our way. 

Yes, the future can be intimidating, but it’s also full of beauty and possibility. Let’s embrace the journey and go after what excites us. 

Our life is ours, so let’s go get it. 

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