FeaturesFebruary 2023Photographer spotlight

Photographer Spotlight – William Post 

How did you get into photography? 

My love for photography began as a little kid, carrying my compact camera with me wherever I went. In high school, I took a photography class for three years to hone my craft, and also took a course with Garrett Thompson, here at Carroll. I enjoy continuing to learn tips and techniques from other photographers – particularly several from my hometown, Portland, Oregon.

Favorite type of photography or favorite subject type? 

I am mainly focused on nature and sports photography. After COVID-19, I started doing Carroll sports photography for fun. Specifically, I have taken photos for Carroll’s football, soccer, softball, and volleyball games. Although I am working to broaden my range of subjects. Doing more personal photo shoots and wedding photography interests me, as these would add depth to my experience as well as earn some extra cash on the side. 

What inspires you? 

I am inspired by everything in daily life, especially beautiful animals and landscapes. The wildlife and landscape photography of various photographers on Instagram have influenced me a great deal as well.

A bit about your artistic process

My approach to photography now is a bit different than it was when I was a kid – I plan out photo sessions instead of carrying my camera everywhere. I enjoy capturing the moments of everyday life. I’m not a fan of set-up photos. My favorite thing about photography is that you can snap a picture of a single moment and keep it forever. I edit as little as possible because my priority is to maintain the realness of the photograph and the raw beauty of the moment.

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